are you scaling your
growing business?
Is this growth becoming an
obstacle for continued success?
Discover how to organize
to thrive in growth
Work with me to align people and
workflows with value streams
so you can serve more customers, handle more volume, ... faster, with less effort
I have seen time and time again that transitioning from one growing stage can be rather painful for an organization.
As you add more people to your organization, you’ll notice that its complexity grows exponentially. It is natural that, what worked before, may no longer be effective in the next phase of your growth. You might start seeing symptoms like an ever-growing workload, communication hiccups, heightened emotions within the teams, motivational issues, dissatisfaction and/or leaving customers, concerned investors, … and so on. It is crucial to tackle this complexity internally otherwise, it will spill over to your customers.
But here is the good news: when your growth is rapid, chances are you have already found the right product or service fit, meaning you’re delivering what your customers need to succeed.
What requires evolution is how you deliver, so you can serve more customers, handle more volume, and do it all faster and with less effort on your side and on the customer’s side.
To thrive, regardless of the size of the organization, the following principles are valid.
- Success is measured using value-driven metrics
- People and workflows are organized with a focus on the value stream
- Leadership enables the value stream to flow
- It is fun to work for and with a thriving organization
If you are interested in working with me, the introduction call is on the house. Let’s chat!
My name is Ann
and your success is my priority
I specialize in helping IT-dependent, fast-growing organizations and their founders, so they can conquer every growth stage with confidence and ease
I have your back!
whether you are exploring, trying to gain more insight or looking for help
Find Inspiration
if you are still exploring
We regularly share articles on different topics related to scaling a growing business successfully, don’t miss out.
- why organizing is important
- how it applies to your business
- what to to tackle your situation
Thrive in growth indicator
if you want insight in your challenges
Take this free self-assessment to gain insight into your challenges, and opportunities. We’ll discuss your priorities in a free call.
- self-assess on 5 dimensions
- review the dashboard
- book your free call with me
Make your work, flow
if you want to act and get results fast
Work with me to boost productivity, agility, customer experience, people engagement, and collaborative leadership.
- Solution Design
- Prioritisation and Planning
- Implementation Coaching
Find Inspiration in Published articles
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Whether you want to
> get some guidance
> discuss a potential collaboration
> just talk to me
I prioritize your success, I am sure you do the same.